Monday, March 17, 2014

Baby blanket for Alicia for a friends baby shower.  Tassles are easy to remove before using it with a baby.  Don't want them inhaling a loose piece of yarn.

Little sweater for my god son's baby daughter. (back)
(Excuse the plastic fork, it's used to cut up my chi's table scraps.  She gets fed beside me so the big dogs don't steal her food after finishing theirs)

Same, (front)

Kick bag for Alicia for a friends baby shower.

Can you tell I live at my compter desk?

My new yarn cabinet (left) My old yarn cabinet (right, on end table where I store family photo albums)

Another new cabinet for yarn and same old old one on left.

Plastic yarn drawers.

Smaller plastic yarn drawers.

Asherton scarf pattern, still working on this.  Found the wool to make it bigger and have decided on making it into a baby blanket. Love the feel of it, so soft and drapey.

Inside my Hostess cupcake.

Outside of my Hostess cupcake.

Love this holey look. how it goes from meh.. to omg it's big!!

I made this years ago when my daughter was a toddler, it's a shawl. Cats seem to love it and really appreciate that I have found it and dragged it out again.

This is what happens when you make a mad dash to the washroom.  You come back and find a cat cocooned in your WIP.  I did not wrap it around her like that, she did it herself!!

A bag I made my daughter a couple years ago.  She picked the colors.

Binder ring I had since highschool. Finally found a use for it.  And the little box the markers came in repurposed.

Pill bottle repurposed as a straight pin holder.

score counter from my brother who used to play/teach baseball.  I stole it from my son who never played sports. lol

Asherton scarf again... different color.

Slouchy hat for my daughter.  My son is not impressed with anything I knit for him, she on the other hand seems to love everything.

The blanket I knitted for her when when I bed ridden with pneumonia.  It's her comfy blanket.  She uses it for when she's sick or needs a spirit boost but she LOVES it and takes very good care of it. It's over 20 yrs old now.

Weasle checking out the puppy bag I made to carry my Mic around with.  Lacey wanting to play too.

Sock yarn blanket that is going to take foreverto make because I can never figure out how to do the stitch properly and every time I put it down, I forget it and have to learn it again.  Of course I never learn it the same way twice so it's going to be a very strange blanket.

Puppy bag.  Ignore the door frame.

Sweater I made for my sons bf to replace one I made that was too big.

Sweater that was too big, he found a man it fit and gifted it to him.

Warm and heavy and soft.. what more does a shawl need to be?

Baby blanket made for my daughter for a friends baby shower.  Not same friend as above.

Sweater with a messed up flower 3-D look to it.  It's still warm and somehow it's grown along with me to still fit my huge frame. lol

Shawl I love and found out that yrs ago I had found it before I had internet and it's the same as the old one the dogs and cats love that I posted above.

kit for knitting supplies.

Oogly ball and Mic

Oogly ball and Mic, again.  (Squeeky duck was her fave toy at the time)

Mic and her second sweater I ever made her.  It was too big here. Fits now.

drop stitch.. love how it gets so big after you finish it all.

Cat bed before felting.

Cat bed after felting.. it's too small. : /  Son felted it again recently and now it almost fits as a hat.

I made this for my dog but it was too big so I just put it away and waited.  Finally a puppy came along that needed a sweater and it fit soooo here she is in her pretty little pink shrug.

I washed this hat this winter and now it's too small for anyone I know. :(
Can't believe it shrunk, it's cotton for cripes sake!

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