Monday, December 31, 2012

I`ve never blogged before.  I`ve read a few but never had one. I am hoping this one helps others find what they need for their knitting.  Be it wool. needles or help with that one stitch you can`t seem to get around.  I am feeling a little intimidated by this right now, hopefully it will get better as I go along.

To start, Micheals is having a sale from dec 29 to jan 4. 

Well, it`s new years eve. 2013 is right around the corner.  Don`t forget to put some money out in the snow bank before midnight. It`s an old tradition my parents taught me. If you remember every new years eve to put money in the snow bank then the new yr will never see you so broke you can`t pay for necessities.  I`ve been doing it for yrs and when we were a family with 2 small children. Paychecks didn`t always reach the next one and it was nice to find that hard needed cash to pay  hydro or food to tide us over a few days.

Happy New Year everyone.
