Sunday, February 17, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Box of chocolates

Mmmm Laura Secord is soooo good. Too bad they figured out a way to rip us off with how much chocolate is in a box.

New and improved (we all know what that means).  Nicer packaging so the chocolates don't get bounced around and busted up.  Don't they look good!?  I ate one before I noticed the problem but a little cut and paste fixed that in the next picture. You can tell by the shape of the one missing though. :)

Now... remove the plastic bumper pads and remember, chocolate used to be in little paper cups and were tucked in comfy cozy side by side.  This is what you get.

 Compared to the new and improved (means less for more and not as good) we are losing out on half a box of chocolates.  We are paying more, but getting less.  As a consumer and lover of chocolate, I am not buying Laura Secord from now on.