Wednesday, December 4, 2013

of needles and kittens

It's a Weasel!!!  Actually it's a kitty, her name is Weasel because she attacks legs and arms like the weasel on Bugs Bunny.

Isn't it cute how you can put a kitten in a bag and all is well but...

Put a kitten in a sweater and they forget how their legs work?

Poor Luna is so confused by the wiggly floor kitty in a sweater. lol

My bag, go away Lacey!

She only looks grumpy, but she really didn't want to get out!

Friday, October 18, 2013

KFC crispy strips and Mars Bars

Here is the 14-piece as I brought it home.  Look how low the lid sits in the bucket.

I'd say it was a little less than half a bucket.

that's the lid slid down the side

Here I'm holding the lid on the bottom.

The coating was light and not all that crispy, it also fell off the chicken.  It did not have that delicious taste of 11 different herbs and spices that the regular chicken has.  It was rather bland with the texture kind of like that found on battered fish..

Even the fries was not filled.  This is a medium box, it came with the strips like this. 

MMM Mars Bar 2-pack.

You can fold it in half without damaging the chocolate inside.

I tried to twist the end.
Instead I folded it up underneath, lots of room to play with before opening it.

A look at the two bars outside the wrapper.  Remember when they used to fill the wrapper.  They need to make the bar bigger or the wrapper smaller.  I don't think they'll do either because they don't want to give us what we pay for and they don't want the bar to look small on the shelf.  Pretty sad world we live in now.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Sometimes it pays to go outside without the dogs. You see bunnies.

I love the light in this picture. This is where the bunnies run to when the dogs come out to play.

Tabby and the harvest.  She's an adorable hallowe'en cat.

Mic being cute.

Luna on guard against BUNNIES!!

8 weeks old, and no name yet.  Son wants to call her Fuzzy... ugh!

Mic in her snooty pose.

I love this picture.

My favorite flower.

Daughter teaching kitty to climb her legs... sigh...
Hallowe'en cat, dandilion and lilacs make great wallpaper.  Feel free to use them if you want.